At Currys we're fully committed to operating a responsible business. We talk to our stakeholders about their expectations, we search out best practice and we reflect these in our policies and the disclosures we make.
GHG emissions | Tonnes of CO2e emitted 2023/24 | Change (%) | Tonnes of CO2e emitted 2022/23 | Tonnes of CO2e emitted 2019/20 |
Scope | 16,479 | -5.0 | 17,352 | 20,742 |
Scope 2 (location-based) | 27,775† | -7.0 | 29,865 | 51,131 |
Scope 2 (market-based) | 1,221† | -65.1 | 3,499 | 16,121 |
Scope 3, category 1: Purchased goods and services | 2,610,143† | -8.8 | 2,861,970 | 4,300,532 |
Scope 3, category 3: Fuel- and energy-related activities | 14,795 | -8.7. | 16,200 | 15,905 |
Scope 3, category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution | 67,900 | 15.5 | 58,765 | 165,115 |
Scope 3, category 5: Waste generated in operations | 2,447 | -5.9 | 2,599 | 972 |
Scope 3, category 6: Business travel | 4,836 | 35.3 | 3,574 | 2,754 |
Scope 3, category 7: Employee commuting | 39,492 | 6.4 | 42,206 | 27,275 |
Scope 3, category 9: Downstream transportation and distribution | 18,324 | -6.0 | 19,495 | 35,906 |
Scope 3, category 11: Use of sold products | 14,089,417† | -16.1 | 16,784,068 | 30,425,451 |
Scope 3, category 12: End-of-life treatment of sold products | 6,990 | -4.8 | 7,339 | 9,843 |
Total: scope 1, scope 2 market-based, scope 3 (all categories(3)) | 16,872,044 | -14.9 | 19,817,066 | 35,020,616 |
GHG emissions performance versus targets | Tonnes of CO2e emitted 2023/24 | % change from 2019/20 baseline | Tonnes of CO2e emitted 2022/23 | Tonnes of CO2e emitted 2019/20 |
Scope 1 and Scope 2 market-based emissions(1) | 17,700 | 52.0% | 20,851 | 36,863 |
Purchased goods and services and use of sold products emissions (Category 1 and 11)(1) | 16,699,560 | 51.9% | 9,646,037 | 34,725,983 |
Discontinued operations scope 1 and 2 market-based | 1,141 | N/A | 1,178 | N/A |
Discontinued operations scope 3 (all categories) | 4,804,577 | N/A | 6,000,081 | N/A |
The Company-wide kWh energy consumption for the reporting period 30 April 2023 to 27 April 2024, are as follows:
Global Energy consumption (kWh) | 2023/24(1) | Change (%) | 2022/23(1) | 2019/20(2) |
Transport (including diesel, petrol, LPG) | 55,842,008 | -3.7 | 57,960,124 | 71,261,546 |
Natural gas | 14,140,307 | -11.0 | 15,888,132 | 22,142,355 |
Heating (district heating, oil and LPG) | 13,092,620 | 12.7 | 11,612,545 | 214,868 |
Electricity | 169,472,806 | -5.3 | 178,872,412 | 236,971,131 |
Total | 252,547,741† | -4.5 | 264,333,212 | 330,589,900 |
of which UK | 140,568,565 | -5.5 | 148,746,060 | 214,964,357 |
Intensity ratio: MWh/1,000 sq ft occupied floor area(4) | 11.60† | -4.0 | 12.08 | 16.24 |
Total renewable energy purchased or generated | 169,389,094† | -3.8 | 175,996,303 | N/A |
The Company-wide emissions for the reporting period 30 April 2023 to 27 April 2024, are as follows:
Emissions on location basis | 2023/24(1) | Change (%) | 2022/23(1) | 2019/20(2) |
Scope 1 | 16,479† | -5.0% | 17,352 | 20,742 |
of which combustion of fuel(6) | 15,501 | -5.8% | 16,462 | 19,868 |
of which operation of facilities(7) | 978 | 10.0% | 890 | 874 |
Scope 2(5),(6) | 27,775† | -7.0% | 29,865 | 51,131 |
Total | 44,254 | -6.3% | 47,217 | 71,873 |
of which UK | 30,160 | -3.5% | 31,241 | 51,866 |
Intensity ratio: tCO2 e/1,000 sq ft occupied floor area(4) | 2.03† | -5.8% | 2.16 | 3.53 |
Emissions on market basis | 2023/24(1) | Change (%) | 2022/23(1) | 2019/20(2) |
Scope 1 | 16,479† | -5.0 | 17,352 | 20,742 |
of which combustion of fuel(6) | 15,501 | -5.8 | 16,462 | 19,868 |
of which operation of facilities(7) | 978 | 10.0 | 890 | 874 |
Scope 2(5),(6) | 1,221† | -65.1 | 3,499 | 16,121 |
Total | 17,700 | -15.1 | 20,851 | 36,863 |
of which UK | 14,605 | -5.2 | 15,399 | 21,762 |
Intensity ratio: tCO2 e/1,000 sq ft occupied floor area(4) | 0.81† | -14.4 | 0.95 | 1.81 |
† We engaged KPMG LLP to undertake independent limited assurance under ISAE (UK) 3000 and ISAE 3410 for selected energy consumption, e-waste and Scope 1, 2 & 3
(1 & 11) GHG emissions which have been highlighted with a †. For more details of the scope of their work, please refer to their assurance opinion on our website,
(1) Data includes Kotsovolos up to the point of disposal (10 April 2024), data will be restated in 2024/25 alongside a baseline recalculation.
(2) Baseline data has not been recalculated to reflect the divestment of Kotsovolos, recalculation will be completed in 2024/25.
(3) Our Basis of Reporting, available on our website,, includes an assessment of the relevant Scope 3 categories for Currys.
(4) Overall floor area of the Currys plc for 2023/24 is estimated to be 21,765,936sq ft.
(5) The electricity consumption figure includes Scope 2 generation emissions but not Scope 3 transmission and distribution losses.
(6) Electricity and gas usage is based on supplier bills. Manual gap filling was conducted for a small proportion of electricity supplies using an average of the consumption
year to date or previous months. This is because this report was due before some electricity and gas bills had been provided by the suppliers. This report also includes
electricity consumption through supplies where the landlord procures the energy; some of this consumption has been estimated either based on the average energy
consumption per floor area for site type or using last year’s data estimation.
(7) Refrigerant data processing methodology and exclusions: Where refrigerant top-ups are reported, we assume this covers leakage across the estate under that contractor’s
responsibility to repair the leak and top-up the refrigerant, as such no estimation of leakage has been completed for units where no top-ups were carried out.
Annual Report & Accounts 2022/23
Basis of Reporting (Sustainable Business Data) 22/23
ESG Committee Terms of Reference 22/23
Annual Report & Accounts 2021/22
Annual Report & Accounts 2020/21: Sustainable Business chapter
Basis of Reporting 2021/22 (Sustainable Business Data)
Dixons Carphone Gender Pay Gap Report 2021
Modern Slavery Statement 2022/23
Modern Slavery Statement 2021/22
Modern Slavery Statement 2020/21
Modern Slavery Statement 2019/20
Modern Slavery Statement 2018/19
Modern Slavery Statement 2017/18
Modern Slavery Statement 2016/17
Modern Slavery Statement 2015/16
Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting Verification Statement - 20/21