02 November 2023

Currys and the Digital Poverty Alliance (DPA) have launched phase two of their Tech4Families scheme in Great Yarmouth and Lincolnshire Coast, hosting events in the Great Yarmouth Library and Currys store in Skegness. At both events, a family from the local community was presented with a laptop, providing them access to the digital world.

The events were designed to raise awareness around Currys and the DPA’s Tech4Families scheme that supports families who don’t have access to suitable devices for children aged between 4 – 15 years old. The initiative is already running successfully across five of the most digitally deprived areas of the UK.

Phase two has been launched today across the Norfolk and Lincolnshire Coastlines. Events hosted in both Skegness and Great Yarmouth included speeches from Penny Carpenter, Mayor of Great Yarmouth, Cllr Pete Barry, Mayor of Skegness, Elizabeth Anderson, Interim CEO at the Digital Poverty Alliance and Catrin Hale, Group Social Impact Manager at Currys.

The events saw a laptop presented to one of the local families who applied through the scheme. This device will give them access to the digital world to help improve their opportunities.

Elizabeth Anderson, Interim Chief Executive at the Digital Poverty Alliancesaid:

“We are excited to launch phase two of our Tech4Families scheme, extending our help to more digitally deprived families across the UK as we work towards achieving our goal of eradicating digital poverty by 2030. The event highlights our dedication to empowering families, helping to increase their opportunities in regard to education, future job opportunities and everyday access to the digital world.”

“We hope that the scheme will support those who need it most by providing them with access to resources, equipment and connectivity, in turn providing wider benefits to both the community and economy. As we build upon our existing schemes, we encourage businesses, policymakers and third sector parties to join us in support of reducing digital poverty, coming together to ensure equal access to our increasingly digital world.”

Catrin Hale, Group Social Impact Manager at Currys, said: 

“We are excited to be able to roll out our Tech4Families scheme to more regions across the UK, as we know first-hand how transformative having access to a device is for families living in digital poverty.”